

早在強國開放以前,勤奮的香港人早已出現「一人兼多職」的情況 ﹣醫生也好,護士也好,往往都是一個人打兩個人甚至三個人份工,就是由於大家都知道人手不足,病人又不能拒之於門外,所以大家都肯拼了命地幹活,三十六小時不眠不休不能錯,為的就是緊守自己的崗位,共同進退。同儕之中,大家都曾經經歷過「昨日是你,今天是你,明天都是你」的生活,雖然辛苦,但總覺得是值得。 至於懷身孕的同事更是操勞,頂著鑼鼓般大的肚子仍在水深火熱中,人家都在睡覺的時間裡當值,為的不是博得天下人的掌聲,為的就只要一份救急扶危的使命。







香港人,醒來吧。人家都踩上心口了,生果日報還在搞分化 ﹣亂報所謂醫療失誤,既過份煽情又偏離實情,一次又一次挑撥港人和醫護人員之間的關係,鍥而不捨地打擊港人對香港醫療的信心。誠然,我不禁想像香港醫療的未來,我們面對的正是「外憂內患」,假定政府繼績視若無睹的話,來自大陸的病人只會越來越多,供不應求的情況只會愈趨嚴重,到最後,HA只會淪為一艘沉船,而付上代價的還不是我們一眾土生土長,年年準時交稅的市民嗎?

23 thoughts on “不說歧視

    • Dear Dr. Lo,

      I think as CE of HA, he should have well seen all these problems, without having any of us telling him what exactly are happening to our boat and what need to be done. The question to ask is, whether he is capable or not to take the lead and come up with a better plan / policy to address such issues. But I do have doubts seeing a big change coming if our government remains so powerless in dealing with China, afterall most of these conflicts are based on the cultural differences between people living on two sides of the border. Chinese people have to learn with time, they’ll get better, what our role is to survive with our limited resources till then. Only then, the burden of free-ride shall be lifted.


  1. 看畢心情太沉重了。因為我們都太自私、太多藉口,不願意去了解和感受他者的難處。



  2. K,
    本人為一名中五學生,現正就通識科的專題報告作資料搜集,題目為[政府應否禁止內地孕婦來港產子],需要訪問一些本地醫護人員,想了解本地醫護人員對內地孕婦來港產子的看法,訪問內容絕對保密,而訪問亦可透過email進行,希望你能幫助我接受訪問,不論你接受與否,也希望你能聯絡我,以便知道你的決定,謝謝! 🙂
    email: e222j@yahoo.com.hk


    • Dear Jackie,

      Thank you for your interest Ann’s support. I’m most happy to help contribute to your project. I shall send you an email shortly.

      Once again, thanks for coming by and liking this blog.


  3. 我可以轉載嗎? 我覺得這篇文章應該給一些不是醫護人員的人看…我雖不是醫護人員, 但一直都在聽我的朋友訴說醫護人員的痛苦, 你們背負的是生命, 不單是一份工作而已, 我自問我的工作壓力遠不及你們, 因為我的工作就算ot 36小時也好, 錯了也好, 也不會涉及人命…你們卻每天都背負著人命在奮鬥著…

    抱歉我不能為你們做甚麼, 只能轉載你的文章, 讓更多人知道你們的努力/痛苦…


    • Dear Kenny,

      On behalf of all medics and paramedics, I thank you for your faith in us and your understanding. One thing for sure, medical professionals in hong kong work really hard to maintain our supreme medical standard. Owing to an incredibly high patient:doctor/nurse ratio, we are forced to shorten our time for each patient just to be fair and see everyone sitting in the clinics. I’m hoping by your sharing, more people who are not working in our field will understand more about our profession, so thanks a lot for supporting this blog.



    • Dear Gillian,

      Thank you for your interest in my blog and your invitation to a chat. I shall contact you shortly via email.

      Wishing you a happy new year too!


    • Dear Charles,

      Thank you for liking this article and your kind words. I hope this blog serves as a platform to exchange ideas and have discussions on issues regarding our medical community in hong kong.

      Your support is greatly appreciated.



  4. 香港政府同政黨實在太不負責任, 漠視現實. 特區政府切實讓我看到了什麼是’自由放任’政策 . 面對雙非的問題, 我之前一直很不滿只見周一嶽發言, 明顯他的岡位能做的是治標的事情啊. 早前林瑞麟推搪說雙非嬰家庭背景好, 但問題是這根本不是一個機制去選香港需要的人力資源. 再是這樣, 我很擔心2015年高鐵通車以後情況只會更糟. 香港真可憐, 連移民審批權也沒有, 權力比內地省政府還要小.

    • Dear Limkingwah

      You’re right about the situation might get worse in the years to come, but one should have hopes while enduring the upcoming transition. China is going to improve, however slowly, in terms of the quality of people and their government, at least that is what happened to any developing nations and that is what i choose to believe in.

      What we need right now is to figure out our own ways in taking lead in this battle. Afterall, resources are out for everybody, if we don’t fight and let others take it, then it would be our fault.

      Thx for your sharing your view and your support,


  5. Dear K,
    Thanks so much for shredding light on such issues, from an insider’s view, in particular. Having read the article, I believe it wil help clearing all those doubts regarding the misleading side of stories that’s widely spread by the medias. Since I would like to help, even I have no idea on what can be done. So then, could I post your article in my facebook or pthers alike?

    • Dear Paul,

      Thank you for liking this article, and agreeing to stand by it. You’re more than welcome to share it with your friends and repost this article to any site so more people would understand our situation. And the pleasure is all mine.

      Best regards,


  6. 捫心自問… 就是怕了應付強國病人, 我亦捨棄工作十多年的工作岡位, 早些時間已經轉工作另尋新活… 其實香港醫療一早淪陷, 只是醫護人員一直默不作聲

    • Dear night,

      It’s unfortunate for patients out there to hear you’ve left your position, yet I’m sure you’ve found a much better endeavour. I know many senior colleagues who had no choice but to leave HA as they get to see more of what is really going on with our community. Yet the pendulum will one day swing back to us, and as a junior I could only hope for the best would come in the years ahead. Right?


  7. I was born in HK but immigrated to Canada for over 10 years, but I still watch news. I have seen the news talking about this and I feel the same way as other HK people do. Even I think that the problem should be fixed, but as you have mentioned, HK is afraid of going against China, that is why nothing is being done.
    I really don’t want HK to corrupt…
    though I’m not much help, but I’ve shared your blog so other people can read it too.

    • Dear Pauline,

      Thank you for sharing a similar view and sharing this article with your friends. Nobody wants to see HK deteriorate but it’s true that China has risen as a superpower that could influence pretty much the whole world. I’d think there’s hardly any say for us HK government to directly confront the Chinese government, but yet, there must be ways to slow things down – slow enough for us locals to tolerate and survive this battle.

      I hope you do well in Canada, and wish you the best regards,


  8. Just come across this article on FB, have shared on my FB too… Proud of u, professionals. Hope your sharing will lead the society to know more about the sinking boat… May the God bless HA.

  9. Hi, 這是一篇寫得很好的文章,希望您們繼續保持救急扶危的專業操守,我作為巿民一份子一定支持您們。

  10. It is a dilemma. We set the rules and invite them to come. We asked them for money from CEPA from tourism and this is the price we need to pay. There is no free lunch in this world after all.

    I work in Paediatrics and the situation is really bad, many Hong Kong parents babies have to be transferred to another hospital for care because the NICU are already full house! A frustrating situation.

    Please add oil, the condition is completely out of our hand.

  11. I am a form 5 student and working on my IES project . The topic is “How does the rapid increase in mainland mothers giving birth affect the quality of obstetric service in Hong Kong? “. I am collecting different stakeholders opinion and I hope that you could share your thought as a doctor. I will ask you some few questions on this issue and all the content is kept strictly confidential.Your help will be greatly appreciated! Please contact me via email: keavy928@yahoo.com.hk Thank you:)

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